Meet Our Animals
The Leaping Lamb Farm Family
We have all kinds of friendly animals on the farm that would love to meet you! From horses to goats to barn cats, and even a peacock, our Leaping Lamb Farm Family is excited to meet yours!
With all of our animals on the farm, as with all animals, it is important to remember to respect their space and their peace. Our animals prefer when people move slowly around them. They also like when people talk softly to them and around them. With the animals that are open to touch, make sure to pet and touch them gently.
Things To Know Before Your Visit…
With some of the animals, like our rams and our peacock Elton, it is best to interact with them through the fence or from a distance. But others like Brownie or Shaun might come right up to you and want all your love up close! Read below to find profiles of each of our animals with what they like and some facts to know about them before your visit.

American Quarter Horse
Age: 25
Known For: Opening gates and latches.
Joined The Farm: In 2005 at age 6
Likes: Getting scratches under his front elbows; his buddy Chip.
Did You Know? Quarter Horses got their name by being quick sprinters. They are known for sprinting a quarter mile, whereas other horse breeds are more long distance runners.
Finneas (Finn)
Age: 4
Known For: Being a food hog (if you want to feed him, do it with a fence in between, not in an open field).
Joined the Farm: 2023
Likes: Attention and pets, scratches on his chest.
Did You Know? Mustang horses are known for their incredible resilience and ability to survive in areas with very little vegetation. In the American West, these horses symbolize freedom.
Chipotle (Chip)
Mini Mediterranean Donkey
Age: 12
Known For: Being shy and itchy.
Joined The Farm: As a rescue in 2022
Likes: When people move slowly and squat down to his level to interact; Running with all 4 hooves off the ground; his buddy Tater.
Did You Know? Mediterranean donkeys are pack animals, so they’re commonly used for transporting supplies during long journeys.
Katahdin Hair Wether
Age: 5
Known For: Thinking he’s a dog; being curious.
Joined the Farm: In 2020
Likes: Ear and back scratches; Leaving his blankets of wool hanging around the farm.
Did You Know? After a ram is castrated, the lower levels of testosterone make the wether less aggressive and allow the wether to more easily join the flock of ewes (female sheep).
Curly Coat Katahdin Ewe
Age: 12
Known For: Being born via C-section with her sister in the barn, growing up in Owners Scottie & Greg’s kitchen next to the wood stove with her sister DeeDee.
Joined the Farm: 2013
Likes: Coming right up to people and saying hi.
Did You Know? Compared to wooled sheep, Katahdin sheep are more parasite-resistant, meaning they typically require less health care than other types of sheep.
Katahdin Hair Wether
Born: March 2024
Known For: Not quite as blind as Stevie Wonder but just as vocal!
Joined the Farm: 2024
Likes: Being pet softly on his neck when he’s in the mood.
Did You Know? Sheep need vitamins and minerals just like us. Stevie suffered from thiamine deficiency induced polioencephomalacia (PEM) which led to his partial blindness. Thankfully with a series of vitamin B shots for a week, we were able to save his life.
Katahdin Hair Ewe
Age: 4
Known For: Being a very friendly bottle baby.
Joined the Farm: 2020
Likes: Coming right up to you to say hi and be cuddled (this is how you’ll know it’s her out of all the sheep), loves her ears rubbed.
Did You Know? The goal behind initially raising Katahdin sheep was to keep vegetation controlled along power lines, so that mowing or spraying was no longer needed.
Katahdin Hair Ram
Age: 1.5 years old
Known For: His spots (stands out in the field).
Joined the Farm: 2023
Likes: Looking cute, when people say hi through the fence.
Did You Know? Katahdin sheep first originated in the state of Maine in the 1950’s. This means the breed adapts easily to colder weather.
Katahdin Hair Ram
Age: 3 years old
Known for: Being a burly and friendly gentle giant but will knock you over if you turn your back on him.
Joined the Farm: 2022
Likes: Being alpha ram, being fed through the fence.
Did You Know? Katahdin rams typically weigh about the same as an adult human male! 180-250lbs.
Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Born: March 2024
Known For: Being cute and very friendly.
Joined the Farm: In 2024
Likes: Meeting new people, climbing on people’s laps, frolicking.
Did You Know? Nigerian dwarf goats evolved out of West and Central Africa, so they thrive living in humid, sub-humid, and savanna climates.
Indian Peacock
Age: 5
Known For: Losing all of his tail feathers by the end of June, then growing them back by the next spring; Honking & Yelling.
Joined The Farm: In 2019 as a 1 year old
Likes: Climbing on top of the Farmhouse and soaring over to a tall tree to roost for the night; Meeting new people, but does not like being touched.
Did You Know? Peacocks are omnivores, meaning they eat both vegetation and small animals like snakes and other reptiles, insects, and amphibians.
Gray Slate Heritage Turkey
Age: 10
Known For: Being a friendly farm legend; the snood on his nose and the waddle under his chin.
Joined the Farm: 2014
Likes: His one and only girlfriend who is no longer with us, when people respect his space and move slowly around him.
Did You Know? Turkeys have over 3000 feathers, including a beard made of feathers that comes out of their chest!
Part Speckled Sussex, Part Buff Orpington
Age: 6
Known For: Not being an early riser (only starts crowing at 8am).
Joined the Farm: 2018
Likes: Thinking highly of himself, protecting the hens, crowing all throughout the day.
Did You Know? Roosters are fierce protectors of their flock. Prince would fight off any predator who tries to mess with his family!
Barn Cat
Age: 4
Known For: Loving attention, wanting to be a housecat.
Joined the Farm: In 2020 as a rescue from the Detroit Lake Fires
Likes: Any and all attention, walking on cars, sitting in your lap, catching rodents, hanging out with his brother Alex.
Did You Know? Barn cats have historically helped farmers keep rodents away. Farm cats used to do the same thing on ships!
Barn Cat
Age: 4
Known For: Being shy and all fluff, having the cutest high pitch meow, his little white toes.
Joined the Farm: In 2020 as a rescue from the Detroit Lake Fires.
Likes: When people move slowly and calmly around him, walking on parked cars, catching rodents, hanging out with his brother Eddie.
Did You Know? There is evidence to suggest that barn cats have been living with humans since 7,500 B.C!